Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blogroll Please

It's been a week.  The sort of week that involves broken dryers (yes, again), children running into trees (yes, he's fine) and cats getting fish hooks through their lips (no, don't ask).  In the craziness, I have been a bad blogger.

Usually, a blog post pops into my head.  This week, I ticked off the endless stream of things that I needed to do: query, revise a manuscript, work on my new manuscript, read my writing journals, read the latest YA bestseller sitting on my nightstand, finish critiques for my critique group, work on a summary for two novels, review submission protocol from our SCBWI conference, check the bestseller list, blah, blah, blah and blog.  Poor blogging fell to the bottom.

As I finally got around to looking at my blogroll, I realized that it provides so much information.  Contests, Advice, Publishing leads, etc.  More than anything, I almost always find a "chin-up" article that keeps me driving forward when I want to put everything in park.

Maybe I should move blogging further up the to-do chain.

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